Step 1: Graduate with a Workplace Smartness Profile®
What do standard certifications say about your unique abilities? Nothing! Instead, your Workplace Smartness Profile (WSP) offers recruiters a detailed insight into your intellectual superpowers and workplace strengths.

This data is based on your scores, approach, and behavior in the simulation.
Step 2: Build Your Elevator Resume Video
If your human side is your top qualification, why not showcase it? We help you create a fun 90-second intro video to send to potential employers, letting them catch your vibe.

This gives you a unique edge over candidates with just technical skills and standard CVs.
Step 3: Get Placed in High-Impact Roles
Upon completing the program with full attendance and submissions, we showcase your WSP to 100+ founders in our pool who are seeking smart doers for various roles.

Based on your preferences, we schedule at least 2 interviews and assist you in negotiating the best offer.
The Final Step of Your Career Transformation
Without TSF
With TSF
Graduate with a detailed report highlighting your unique workplace strengths
Instantly stand out to employers while applying for jobs or promotions
Start your job with more responsibilities and decision-making power
Think beyond what other graduates and AI tools can do at work
Rocket to the top of the promotion list when your manager seeks the next star player
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